Adelaide Pool Tilers

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Swimming Pool Coping


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So what is swimming pool coping you might ask? Well basically, the coping tiles add charm, design and functionality to a swimming pool, while capping the top edge of the pool shell wall.  Adelaide pool coping manufacturers and suppliers use a stone or concrete mix to construct the coping pieces. The coping around a pool serves a few basic purposes – It keeps water and any debris from entering the pool, while at the same time protecting the interior tiled surface of the pool wall. Most commonly, the coping needs to be slip-resistant, so it’s safe for people getting in and out of the pool.Pool Coping Adelaide

Here at, we do pool coping installation for swimming pools too. In fact, it’s one of our specialties! We’ll install the coping of your choice. You can either go to a supplier here in Adelaide or purchase the coping for us to install on your pool, or you can simply choose the coping you want from a supplier and have us buy and lay it for you. Letting us supply and lay it allows you to benefit from the cheaper prices we get direct from suppliers. It’s a good idea to have a few coping pieces as spares – this will allow for easy matching should you require any coping repair work.


Options for Pool Coping in Adelaide

Concrete coping pieces are the most commonly used option around a pool. Concrete coping needs to be cut to fit, and can be laid in many different patterns on the pools top edge, including spas too. Coming in a variety of colours, shapes and sizes, they provide non-slip surfaces that can blend in well with the surrounding landscape. PinnaclePaving has a wide array of coping for your pool.

Pre-cast concrete pieces are another common choice for pool coping. Pre-cast means they are constructed in plastic moulds, which means these coping pieces can be custom made to match your pools curves, enabling easier installation with less cutting. Pre-cast swimming pool coping is durable, seals easily and provides that much needed non-slip surface. The Adelaide Company QuantumStone makes and supplies this coping.

Natural stone coping is extremely durable and customizable, giving you different types of edging, natural colours, shapes and sizes. With an array to choose from such as granite, limestone and fieldstone to name a few, stone coping will provide warmth and texture to your pool, while giving it a totally natural appearance. UrbanStone can provide you with the natural stone coping you desire.


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